To kick the project of moving to the south of France, we spent rather a stressful weekend packing our things into Dave's van (Dave being the chap who agreed to move our things for a relatively modest fee), and found out rather quickly that we had somewhat overestimated the size of the van - the result being that we had to leave about 20 boxes of things in Stephane's cellar (what are friends for, eh?)

But of course inspite of all the work, we did find time for an improvised quick lunch in the "garden" :-)
Took the early easyjet flight Monday morning from London Gatwick, and arrived in sunny Nice around noon. Fist step was then to acquire the keys for the flat, which turned out not to be entirely straightforward, as I first had to get the flat insured. I eventually (having marched around half of Nice with all my luggage, in the heat which at the time didn't feel all that pleasant...) found an insurer who agreed to insure our flat in spite of me not having a French bank account. In the end I wasn't that late for my appointment with the letting agent. The first night at the flat was a bit cold and spartan as there was obviously no furniture... Although I was kept company by Joel and Francoise who came along all the way from Angers to help me find me feet....
The next day Dave arrived with our furniture, and the van was emptied with admirable speed and efficiency... The rest of the day was mostly spent assembling furniture, although we did also manage to acquire a fridge.

But of course inspite of all the work, we did find time for an improvised quick lunch in the "garden" :-)