As I suppose you are aware, dear reader, if you're one of the few frequent visitors of this blog (and/or if you happen to know me personally!), you are most likely aware of the fact that me and Mathilde used to live in England before moving to the Sunny South of France. To be more precise, we used to live in the pleasant town of Guildford, located in the prosperous county Surrey.
For this weekend, our dear friend Isabelle (who also used to live in said town, and thanks to whom I met many of my friends in the UK!) had decided to organize a reunion weekend in said town. An event I've been looking forward to for some time! Preparations for the trip didn't start well, as I'd booked an extra day of parking at Nice airport, and a hotel 4 km outside the town centre by accident (not a handy distance to stumble on the way back from the pub!).
Anyway, we stayed the first night at our good friend Phil's place, as planned, once we'd negotiated the usual hassle getting from Gatwick to Guildford (our flight was delayed, as usual...). No time for a quick drink in the pub, even!
Next day, we started off by wandering over to our hotel (I made a new last-minute booking for a hotel in town centre - the Manderlay). We'd been able to get a room for a relatively reasonable price - which was a surprise given typical hotel prices in this part of the world (and the fact that the booking was made, let's say, last minute). The plan was to meet up at the pub at 1 o'clock, which gave us a bit of time to explore Guildford - happily enough we ran into Isabelle who was also staying at the same hotel. That meant shopping - yoppii!
Anyway, time goes quickly when you're having fun, so we rather quickly had to make our way over to the Weyside, where we were meeting up. Weyside is one of our favourite pubs in Guildford, idyllically located on the river Wey (as the name suggests). A bit too much of a gastro-pub for my liking, but the beer is still good, and so was the fish & chips I had for lunch!
What was most important was catching up with everybody, of course. Thankfully, a really good bunch of people managed to make it, including fellow Finns (Katja and Kari, Kartsa and Reija, and Jaro whom I've not seen for ages), French folks (Flore, Christian, Emmanuelle, Isabelle and of course my darling Mathilde), Czech (Martina), Belgian (Nelle), Japanese (Chie), Malaysian (Sinhung), and OK a few Brits too (Phil, Nick, Geoff, Ben, Spencer). I'm sure I forgot a bunch of people, but anyway, you get the idea - the more the merrier!

After the Weyside, we strolled along the river (enjoying some gorgeous sunshine - which was a nice surprise as the weather forecast hadn't been that promising) over to the next seaside pub on the pub crawl itinerary - The White House. The same old routine (by which I mainly mean beer drinking) continued there, and then in the Star (this one is a bit more of your typical scruffy local English pub, compared to the modern revamped affairs a lot of pubs are sadly turning into).

Things progressively got blurrier as the beer flowed, but if memory serves me correctly, we had dinner at Giraffe (one of those chain restaurants that sadly flourish in the UK), what I do know for sure is that the evening ended in Rogues (where else - that's where a lot of nights out ended when we used to live in Guildford !?). Kartsa, our local host, had booked a private room for the occasion. Our madman friend had the brilliant idea to order a round of 20 gin and tonics (twice!) to ensure everybody was in a good condition to stumble home afterwards. So, a night to remember, then (as far as I can remember?) !

The next day, I got up, surprised about the fact that I didn't even have much of a headache. After a nice English breakfast (the perfect antidote against a hangover if there ever was one?) in a cozy little cafe, we spent the sunny morning having a nice walk around town, wandering over to check out the Guildford Castle, with the beautiful gardens being well-kept as ever. We popped over to say hi to Isabelle, Bav and Dave who were brunching just next to the castle, after which it was time to make our way over to the Drummond, where we were meeting up with Nick for lunch.
And then, sadly, it was time to head over to the train stations to catch our train to Gatwick. The stroll along the Wey river, past Dapdune Warf, was very nice indeed. We felt rather nostalgic about leaving - this wonderful weekend brought back so many nice memories about those great years we spent in England! It felt almost sad to head back to France....