So, finally, time for Mathilde to leave the misty British isles for the fresh pastures of the south of France. I must say the adjustment has not been very difficult for either of us (as much as we liked England...).
The weekend was spent buying things for the flat mostly. Not an entirely straightforward business, as it turned out. Having chosen some furniture for less than 300 euros, we were told the delivery would cost about 100 euro! This was not acceptable to our salesman (well, not to us either!) so he decided to champion our cause and managed to talk his manager into giving us free deliver. Interesting experience indeed...

On Sunday we decided to go for a walk to Italy. Not all the way from Nice admittedly - we did take the train to Menton (which is near the Italian border) and walked from there. Very nice, sunny (I think I actually got mild sunstroke!) and warm (had to strip down to my t-shirt!). We ended up in a small and very pretty village called Mortola.
The weekend was spent buying things for the flat mostly. Not an entirely straightforward business, as it turned out. Having chosen some furniture for less than 300 euros, we were told the delivery would cost about 100 euro! This was not acceptable to our salesman (well, not to us either!) so he decided to champion our cause and managed to talk his manager into giving us free deliver. Interesting experience indeed...

On Sunday we decided to go for a walk to Italy. Not all the way from Nice admittedly - we did take the train to Menton (which is near the Italian border) and walked from there. Very nice, sunny (I think I actually got mild sunstroke!) and warm (had to strip down to my t-shirt!). We ended up in a small and very pretty village called Mortola.
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