We decided to catch a train to Biot and walk to Valbonne from there. Unfortunately, as things sometimes seem to be in this part of the world, the train we were originally supposed to catch didn't actually stop in Biot, so we had an hour to kill in Nice. So we decided to have a quick look at the St. Nicolas church, a very impressive orthodox church built in 1912 by Russian immigrants... (judging from the imposing structure, not the poor type fleeing poverty in Russia I don't think...)

Biot is an old, picturesque (as always) village near Antibes, famous for its glassware, pottery and mimosas (yellow flowers...). Also famous as the place where the famous French painter Fernand Leger (whom naturally I had never heard of, and Mathilde naturally had...) died.

As I said, very pretty little village, on a hill overlooking what once must've been beautiful countryside (now there's Marineland and Adventure golf). It seemed less touristy than some of the other pretty little villages on the Cote d'Azur (well, admittedly there were quite a few porcelain and glassware shops).
But anyway the walk we did along the Vallee de la Brague (which is a small river, more like a stream actually), through a quite thick forest, was very nice. Quite different from the other walks we've done here on the Riviera, goes to show the nature here is very varied.

Unfortunately we didn't have a chance to walk around Valbonne (which is next to Sofia Antipolis, kind of like "the French silicon valley"), since we had a bus to catch...
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