My parents have been back in France for a couple of weeks now, so it was about time for the first visitor (first of many this spring, I doubt not…). This time it was my aunt Tutta’s turn to pay a visit – she came down for a week from Strasbourg. We met up with her and my parents Friday night for dinner in Cannes. My parents had picked a restaurant in the Royal Grey hotel for the occasion. A pleasant evening was had with good food and excellent company.

On Saturday, we headed down to Nice for some shopping – sales were on (yippiyayee!). I purchased two pairs of trousers and two BD’s (Bande Dessinée – French comics, great way to learn the lingo!). After this we went (of course!) to the cinema – this time we saw “No Country for Old Men” by the Coen brothers. I absolutely loved this film – I’m a big fan of the Coens and their wry wit – and this is one of their best efforts…. To follow the typical “Saturday in Nice” formula, Sami then joined us for dinner in old Nice – this time we opted for a Corsican restaurant. And a good choice it was, I had a plate of Corsican charcuterie followed by some wild boar stew – washed down with some hearty Corsican red wine.

We finished off the evening in Ma Nolan’s by celebrating Youcef’s birthday with a few pints of Guinness.
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