Petanque could, I suppose, be said to be for the French what cricket is to the English – very much part of the culture. On weekend afternoon, the local geezers gather at squares in towns and villages all around the country to play this deceptively simple game (fuelled by a few glasses of Pastis, of course!). The rules of the game seem simple enough, basically one of the chaps throws a small ball on the court, and the objective is to get as many balls as close as possible to the marker ball as possible. But as with any decent game, there is more to Petanque than meets the eye… In fact, curling is actually rather similar to petanque, except that it takes place on ice.
Anyway, the point of my ramblings is that Cagnes-sur-Mer plays host to a rather special sporting event once a year – “championnat du monde de boules carrées” (basically, the “the world championships of Petabque with cubes”. This rather unusual game was invented by the local “circle of friends” association in 1980. Haut-de-Cagnes is on a hilltop, which means the streets are very steep – obviously not very practical for playing ordinary petanque (having said that, they do play normal petanque as well on the main square in the old town) – so they decided to invent a version of the game with cubes instead of balls. Apart from that, the rules of the game are pretty much identical to the original version.
As you may have guessed, today was the day of the championships – obviously this was one event we could not miss out on. In fact we kind of stumbled upon it by accident as we wandered up to the old town - we couldn’t really miss the crowds (the turnout was most impressive). It has to be said that calling the event a “world championship” is kind of pushing it, since I didn’t spot any non-French teams, but I do suppose we also have our “world championships in Finnish baseball” back in my home country ;-). Anyway, we had a brilliant time as did everybody else. Actually, it’s a close call whether I enjoyed this or the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix more – the Petanque was certainly better value for money ;-).
Maybe we can get together a Finnish team for next year – my parents play Petanque regularly in Antibes so we already have some semi-pros lined up….!
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