Well it’s been a while since me and Mathilde have been to the UK – so when we got the invitation to Emmanuelle’s 40th birthday celebration, we confirmed without hesitation, and got our Easyjet tickets booked. We figured we should take the occasion to spend some time in London, so decided to book a hotel there for a couple of nights. Amazingly enough, one of the cheaper options we found was a 4 stars hotel located next to St. James Park – the Jolly St. Ermins hotel.
Our flight departed sunny nice on Friday morning, and landed in London Gatwick on schedule (there’s a first time for everything…) – from where we took the train down to Victoria, which is conveniently just a 5-minute walk from our hotel. We were pleasantly surprised to find the sun shining upon arrival (and even more amazingly - it was to keep shining all weekend!). After dropping off our bags at the hotel (which I think qualifies as the best English hotel I’ve stayed in), we set off to enjoy sunny London. After a tasty ‘n healthy lunch at Pret-a-Manger (an English eating establishment I actually miss, believe it or not!), we set off to walk around the local area, taking in Buckingham palace, as well as Green park and St James Park (where we didn’t see any squirrels, much to Mathilde’s disappointment). After a relaxed couple of hours strolling around, we headed to Costa café for a coffee (and cake, of course!); where we were joined by Philippe and Aniko, who had just arrived. From there we headed down to the local pub for our first (but certainly not last) pints of the weekend.

For the evening, we headed down to Clapham Junction to the Falcon pub for my colleague Stu’s leaving do. After 10 years at the company, he had decided to move on. A lot of colleagues turned up (including a few I hadn’t seen for a while), including of course Sinhung (you can usually count on him when there’s drinking to be done – although he’s getting a bit rusty at old age), who was on top form as always… All in all, a typical “colleagues pub night out”, with pints, pub food (I had a burger), office gossip, and all the rest of it. I had great fun – not sure how entertained Mathilde was listening to a bunch of engineers talking shop though ;-) We were quite nackered, not having slept much the night before, so headed back to the hotel before the end of the proceedings – anyway we knew we had to save some energy for the following two days as well, so we figured it was best not to do an all-nighter…

We got up early on Saturday, and had a very relaxed picnic breakfast in St James’ Park (and even saw some squirrels this time!). Our brekkie was interrupted by the annual changing of the (Buckingham Palace) guard – which I rushed down to see (and photograph, naturally!). All very pompous, of course, and those guards do look a bit silly in those red suits and tall black headgear. But I suppose that’s the way it should be – this being London and all that (I guess that’s one of the things I love about London, it’s at the same time a very modern, cosmopolitan and open-minded city, but at the same time clings to its traditions and peculiarities in a rather charming way). Having taken in this spectacle, we made our way towards the centre (which wasn’t that easy, considering a lot of roads were shut to the public due to the ceremonies), taking in Whitehall and Trafalgar square on the way. From there we walked past Piccadilly Circus, up Regents Street and onto Carnaby Street. We finished off our tour by visiting Liberty, one of the most famous department stores in London (which I’d not actually been to). As department stores go, it’s a pretty cool place to wander about – I think I prefer it to the more famous Selfridges and Harrods’s.
We then rushed down to Leicester square, where we were meeting up with the old gang (Chie, Jeff, Philippe, Aniko and Sinhung) for a dim sum. A couple of new gang members also came along – a Hungarian friend of Aniko’s (who actually used to work at the same factory in Pecs where I worked the summer of 1997 – now is the world small or what?) as well as David and Samy (who have both recently joined my team). The dim sum is another “UK tradition” (within double quotes since it’s of course more of a Chinese tradition) I really miss – and the dim sum we had was as tasty and filling as in the good old days…

Having filled our stomachs to their brims, it was time to tick the next “English thing to do” off the list – Pimms by the Thames. We ended up drinking the Pimms in South Bank - a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Nick joined us as well at this point – straight from the airport (having flown back from Spain) with rucksack ‘n all, as well as KoChung. After a couple of hours spent chatting away, and downing the over-priced Pimms (of course, this is London, after all!), it was time to say bye-bye to some of our friends, and head back to the hotel for a quick shower before the evening’s activities (Nick, Sinhung and KoChung kindly waited for us in the local pub).
We started off the evening in All Bar One in Leicester Square, where we met up with Adrian and some friends of his (including Pirish, an English friend of his who actually lives in Nice) – we also finally had the honour of meeting his girlfriend Yda. After a couple of beers over there we made our way to yet another old haunt of ours, the Delhi Brasserie. Of course one must have at least one curry during any visit to the UK – it’s nearly as mandatory as a visit to the pub. Unfortunately, we were a bit disappointed with the curry this time – or maybe it was just the bill… By the time we finished the meal, it was nearly midnight, so past pub closing time. So time to head back to the hotel, then, for a snooze….

On Sunday, it was time for the big event – Emmanuelle’s birthday. After another relaxed breakfast in St James’ Park, we checked out of the hotel, and took the train down to Guildford, where the festivities were taking place. And she had certainly chosen a worthy venue for the occasion – Loseley Park (one of the most famous country houses in Surrey). As per our plan, we met up with Phil at the train station, and sped down to Loseley Park in a taxi.

The party was great – big thanks to Manu for organising such a brilliant event. The food, drink and entertainment was tip-top (especially the entertainment bit, for those that got to see me dancing…), of course. But the greatest thing was meeting up with a lot of people we’d not seen for ages… Great fun catching up with everybody again. Great also seeing Sandrine’s big belly (that would be due to the baby, not over-eating), meeting Rosie’s little boy and of course seeing my dear god-son Florian again (although he was a bit shy again…). The greatest bit of entertainment was provided by Big Australian Nick (I say Big since I feel absolutely tiny next to him – and that doesn’t happen very often) – who, being a kind spirit, tried to get a Frisbee down from a tree by throwing his huge shoe at it. And yes, you guessed it, the shoe ended up stuck in the tree next to the Frisbee. Thankfully, the French staff showed Gallic creativity and daring and managed to get the shoe down from the tree, using two tables stapled one upon the other, and a ladder on top.

After the party, we headed down to Guildford for dinner (as if though we hadn’t eaten enough already…) at Wagamama’s, and then off to the pub of course (the King’s Head). Bruce joined us there with his lovely girlfriend – which was great since I’ve not seen him for absolute ages.... A couple of pints later (the last ones for this visit) we retired back to Phil’s place for some well-deserved rest.
Monday was spent in the office for my part, whereas Mathilde had another day out in London. Where she also got our camera back from the hotel, where the more scatter-brained of us (guess whom?) had left it on Sunday… All in all – a great weekend then! And with the great weather we had – I almost found myself missing life in England at times ;-)
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