It's been a crazy winter all over Europe (all over the world, I suppose...). But so far, the weather on the Cote d'Azur has been pretty much normal for this time of the year (meaning about 10 degrees, and pretty warm when the sun shines). As late as yesterday, we were having a pleasent post-work, late afternoon coffee by the beach, with the sun shining...

But today all that changed. I was having a normal day at the office, until I turned my head towards the window. And there it was - the snow flakes were coming down like there was no tomorrow, and the ground was already snow-covered! First time for me during my three years on the Riviera!
All in all, it was pretty nice - but we were still quite happy to see the sunny weather return the next day, and see the snow melt!
Needless to say it must be absolutly crazy on the ski slopes!
PS: you meant, "3 years" on the riviera?...
Oops, yes we have been here for a bit longer than three days... ;-)
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