Thursday, July 8, 2010

Yet more partying with teachers...

Last week was a bit mad for a working man like myself – with colleagues of Mathilde inviting us to various dinner/parties/aperitif’s pretty much every night of the week. It pretty much took me all of the weekend to recover – I s’ppose I ain’t no spring chicken no more… ;-).

So today, we decided to return the favor and invite the gang over to our humble abode. We were a bit worried about how we could handle it logistically, if too many people accepted, since our flat isn’t really designed to host soirees for party-hungry teacher hordes. Our worst fears were confirmed, as pretty much everybody accepted.

We put up the best effort we could, with a light buffer on offer for the hungry ones (which our guests generously contributed to), and a couple of canisters and wine, along with pastis and a fair few bottles of beer to slacked the thirst. And animated film DVD’s for the younger participants of the party.

It was all good fun – great to see the gang for one last time (before everybody heads off to spend their well-earned, long holidays in various parts of France and elsewhere). And there was even one other non-teacher present, an engineer to boot (yet another teacher-engineer couple – seems that engineers are the most popular spouses among teachers, apart from other teachers?).

The festivities ended rather late – so yet another hard day at the office followed, then…

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