After my rather strenuous walk with Stephane, it was time to get up at a rather ridiculously early hour to catch my flight via Munich to Copenhagen, where I was spending the week for work. By early I mean 4:45 in the morning… I got to the airport, checked in, no problem, and waited to board. About 40 minutes before boarding, we got the rather unwelcome message – the flight had been cancelled. Oh well, I thought, that’ll just mean a couple of hours’ delay, no big deal… Yeah right, wishful thinking. To cut a long story short, I queued in various queues at Nice airport for about 5 hours (yes, you read right, dear reader), until I eventually got underway about 7 hours late…
I arrived in Munich, thinking I would just make my connection. Wishful thinking, again… I missed my connecting flight, and got to spend another 4 hours at Munich airport waiting for my flight. Good thing I had brought books… Anyways, needless to say, Monday was a complete write-off as far as work was concerned, as I arrived at the hotel 11 at night. (thankfully, the bar was still open – rarely have I felt the need for beer as much as on that day).
But, anyway, not to be put off, I decided to make the best of my stay in Copenhagen. It is a pretty cool place, actually, especially now that the weather was pretty good. (not quite as good as on the Cote d’Azur but certainly better than during my last visit, in October last year). I had my colleague David from our UK office to keep me company this time.
After a rather productive day at the office (well, for David, in my case IT were “trying to fix” my laptop, but ended up having to re-image it!), we decided to head out to explore town. David had never been to Copenhagen, so I decided to take him down along the Stroget (the famous pedestrian street) down to Nyhavn, for beer. It’s definitely a scenic place (both architecturally, and people-wise; I’m sure David agrees with me on the latter part .-) ) to have a pint, even if it is a bit on the expensive side…
The next day followed pretty much the same pattern. IT were still messing about with my laptop, I was doing the best I could with my loan laptop… After some very quick contemplation, we decided to head into town again with David. This time I took him to a place called Bryggeriet (the brewery) for dinner. It’s a funny place where they temporarily confiscate one of your shoes if you order the one-litre beer (can’t blame them, it’s a damn nice glass!). Except in my case: this time, like the last time, I got to keep my shoe. I must look really trustworthy or something ?
Thursday again followed the same routine, this time we were joined by some locals on our nightly Copenhagen outing though (we’d achieved a fair bit during the week, so figured we had reason to celebrate). Troels had a funny “2 for the price of 1” restaurant/bar guide, which kind of dictated where we ate and drank that night. Which was fine by us, both the Argentinean steaks and the Danish beer we had tasted just great ;-). Me and David stayed out a bit longer, getting to know the locals (especially David, wink wink) and all that.
After another productive day at the office (during which I finally got my laptop back, now in tip-top working condition), it was time to head back to sunny south of France. It had been a nice week (after a rather bad start…), but nice to be back home. No problems with the flights this time ;-)
But, anyway, not to be put off, I decided to make the best of my stay in Copenhagen. It is a pretty cool place, actually, especially now that the weather was pretty good. (not quite as good as on the Cote d’Azur but certainly better than during my last visit, in October last year). I had my colleague David from our UK office to keep me company this time.
The next day followed pretty much the same pattern. IT were still messing about with my laptop, I was doing the best I could with my loan laptop… After some very quick contemplation, we decided to head into town again with David. This time I took him to a place called Bryggeriet (the brewery) for dinner. It’s a funny place where they temporarily confiscate one of your shoes if you order the one-litre beer (can’t blame them, it’s a damn nice glass!). Except in my case: this time, like the last time, I got to keep my shoe. I must look really trustworthy or something ?

After another productive day at the office (during which I finally got my laptop back, now in tip-top working condition), it was time to head back to sunny south of France. It had been a nice week (after a rather bad start…), but nice to be back home. No problems with the flights this time ;-)
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