Friday, January 28, 2011

Sauna on the Cote d'Azur

It’s been a while since my last visit to a Finnish sauna – so it was about time to redo our Sauna evening with Mikko and Marianne (the last one was in October).

As usual, we were treated to some delicious food before the start of the “sweating session”. This time, Mikko and Marianne had prepared a properly spicy meal for us, with a Thai salad for starters (what, Mikko preparing a salad – what’s going on here??), followed by some fajitas. Good practice for our upcoming holiday in Mexico, I suppose… ;-).

After the meal, me and Mikko hit the sauna (the ladies were not, for some strange reason, attracted by the thought of “frying” in a room heated up to a temperature pf 100 degrees Celsius – how strange?). According to the thermometer the temperature was actually 105 degrees, now that’s what I call hot!

The swimming pool, on the other hand, was about 5 degrees Celsius. So a bit of a difference in temperature there! I did manage to swim a few swimming pool lengths, but I can’t say it was a very enjoyable experience… Normally, when jumping in a cold pool, you slowly warm up as you swim. Here, the effect was the opposite – you feel bloody cold as you jump in the pool, and bloody f***ing cold after having swam 20 meters. I was even colder than after my scuba dive in Cap Ferrat earlier this week ;-). Good thing there was a warm sauna to go to after the swim!

All in all, a very pleasant way to spend a Friday evening then – and great to catch up with Mikko and Marianne again!

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