Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lunch with Marianne and Mikko

We’ve not seen as much of Marianne and Mikko this year as on previous years, for obvious reasons (they have a new young family member who takes up quite a lot of their time). We figured a lunch at our place with them is long over-due, so invited them over for lunch this sunny Sunday.

Since it was rather a sunny Sunday, ‘twas time for a bit of BBQ action. Merquez, Chipolatas, lamb cutlets, duck meat skewers, taboulet, yummie… And some refreshing rose wine brought by Marianne and Mikko to go with it. That’s what I call a nice meal! And all of this followed by a “Fraisier a ma facon” prepared by Mathilde (a dessert I learnt to prepare at a cooking course a couple of years ago). Absolutely heavenly!

And to finish off the festivities, we tried out the liquorish liquor we had purchased in Sorrento during our Easter holiday trip there – also rather tasty I must say! All in all, then, it was a pretty great meal. And great of course to catch up with Marianne and Mikko as well (and little Aleksi as well, of course, who's growing up fast), hopefully we’ll see a bit more of them this summer!

Me and Mikko had a bit of fun charging my Polo’s battery with Mikko’s jumper cables after the meal… We had a bit of trouble in the beginning, since it turned out we hadn’t connected the earth cable to a proper earth on my car. Hmm, perhaps we should’ve done that bit before the lunch and all the rose “Fraisier a ma facon”.

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