Friday morning, after bidding farewell to Joel and Francoise, we headed down to Nantes for the culmination of our trip, a couple of house-warming parties.
We started at Aude and Magaye’s, good friends of ours we’ve not seen for a while. Aude and Magaye went all out in their property ambitions, buying a nice old town house, but one in serious need of an overhaul. So that’s pretty much kept them busy since the start of the year, then… (our little bathroom project we’ve just started seems somehow insignificant in comparison). Magaye’s actually an architect, which helps. In fact, the house warming is perhaps a bit premature, since a bit of work remains. But hey, any excuse for a party, right?
We were also joined by another couple of good friends – Sarah and Bruno (and of course Ulysse, the newly arrived family member we’ve not yet had the pleasure of meeting!), who happened to be visiting Nantes (they live in Paris). We started off with some crepes for lunch at Trentemoult, a nice little part of Nantes (it used to be a fishing village, but is now a pretty trendy place to live). For the evening festivities, we were joined by a few friends of Aude and Magaye, and it was all good fun! All in all, great to catch up with Aude and Magaye, it really was too long since the last time…
The next day, we had another house warming to attend to, Nathalie’s and Patrick’s – good friends of ours from our years in England. A good bunch of the old group from England made the effort as well, so it was all a bit of a reunion for us! We met up in Nantes, and made the best of the sunny weather to explore Nantes (taking in the famous Sultan’s elephant, the cathedral and the castle). Pretty much everybody from the “good old days” were there: Flore, Christian, Nick, Philippe, Aniko, Olivier, Raphaelle, Manue and of our hosts Nathalie and Patrick, of course!
Having gotten the mandatory touristy stuff out of the way, we made our way down to Suce-sur-Erbe (naughty plays on words possible here….), where the Rabu clan has settled. They have gone all out with their house – having built an ecological “Maison de Basse consummation” all by themselves (well, I suppose they had a bit of help – but very impressive nonetheless). To keep with the ecological theme, we had bought a solar BBQ as a gift (hopefully it’s usable “up north” in Nantes ;)). We had a great time, as always when we get together – the neighbors livened things up as well. Unfortunately, our reunion was a bit short this time… (thankfully Nick’s 50th birthday party is just a couple of months away, eh?).
After chilling out a bit, and having a late lunch, it was unfortunately time to bid farewell again, and hit the road. But we did have time for a quick stop-over in the Sarthe, where our good friend Stephane was spending a couple of days at his parents place (Stephane immigrated to sunny San Diego a couple of years ago). Great to catch up with him as well, even if it was just for a quick beer.
We then sped onwards to Bourges, where we were staying the night. We arrived too late to visit the town; but decided to do quick tour of the town the next day. Bourges is the capital of the Berry region, and there is actually a fair bit to visit. The old town is very picturesque, with quite a few impressive half-timber houses on display (not entirely unlike Le Mans). The main sights are the imposing Gothic cathedral (unfortunately covered in scaffolding), Jaques Coeur’s palace (also in the Gothic style) and, perhaps most interestingly a marsh area, where we walked around for a good hour or so (an area of 135 acres, basically covering some marshlands, just next to the town centre, which are now cultivated). All in all, a pretty interesting city – unfortunately our short visit really didn’t do it justice. Perhaps another time.
That brought an end to our last week of holidays… Snif. At least it’s certainly been an active and eventful summer!

That brought an end to our last week of holidays… Snif. At least it’s certainly been an active and eventful summer!
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