Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dinner in Nice

It's the second week of school holidays, so a night out with Mathilde's colleagues was called for, I suppose. The usual Thursday pub quiz slot was taken up, so we decided to head out to Nice for dinner this Tuesday night instead. We selected Le Comptoir du Marche as the venue for the night, a rather excellent choice as it turns out. Run by the same lot who operate a true Nice institution - Le Bistrot d'Antoine - this place is a true gem in the middle of touristy Vieux Nice. The cuisine is typically local, but with a modern touch. Really excellent choice.

Julie, Antoine and Sarah all showed up, and we had quite a blast, I have to say. After dinner, we made our way to a bar, the name of which escapes me just now, for quite a few drinks. To pay homage to the customary Ma Nolan's pub quiz, which we missed out on this week, I had Guinness all night (apart from a 16-year old Lagavulin). All in all, a very good night out!

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