Saturday, May 25, 2013

Glitz 'n glamour in Cannes

It's that time of the year again, as the weather indicates. Yes, it's Cannes film festival time (the weather is always crappy during the Cannes film festival for some odd reason). Due to our busy schedule, we didn't get our Quinzaine des Realisateurs tickets out in advance, but we did decide to make it out to Cannes on this relatively sunny Saturday.

After wandering around the Croisette, overrun as always by wannabe stars and people eager to catch a glimpse of a celebrity, we made our way over to Palais Stefani, to queue up for the screening. Having had some bad experiences on previous years, we started queueing real early, over an hour in advance. And thankfully, we did get in. The screening in question was a little oddball of a movie called "Les garcons et Guillaume, a table", a kind of autobiographical coming of age story by a French comedian called Guillaume Galliene. It puts a wicked twist on the "coming out genre movie", in that this time the guy coming out of the closet turns out to be straight. Absolutely hilarious!

We then headed out back on the Croisette, heading towards the Palais des Festivales. And who did we bump into, if not the famous (or infamous?) Bogdanoff twins (we ran into one of them at exactly the same spot a couple of years back!). These identical twins are a real show-case against plastic surgery (just look at the paparazzi picture I managed to snap), and also a good example of the kind of C-class celebrities the film festival attracts. But hey, at least I managed to snap my first proper paparazzi shots ;-).

After some more crowd-spotting, we headed down to Ma Nolan's where we joined Aurelien (and a huge crowd of football fans watching the Champions League Final between Borussia Dortmund and Bayer Munich) for a couple of pints. And then it was time to speed down to the train station to catch the last train back home!

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