I have some very happy memories from Edinburgh, where I spent a year studying very hard (yeah right ;-) a looong time ago (1998-1999). So I was quite happy to accept the opportunity to go there for a couple of days with the new job.
I arrived Wednesday noon, somewhat surprised (positively) to observe some rays of sunshine on a typically cloudy sky... After a short taxi drive, I arrived at our office, nicely located just off Costophine Road. Since the temperature was above 10 degrees, most of my colleagues were naturally wearing shorts ;-).
After a rather efficient day at the office, I dropped off my bags at the hotel, and headed downtown, eager to "rediscover" Ediburgh. Unfortunately the sunshine was gone by the time I arrived, but at least it didn't rain... I spent a good hour or so walking around this fascinating town, starting in the new town, crossing Prince's street and heading into the old town, where I walked up to the castle, and then down the Royal Mile to the Palace of Hollyrood house (which is the official resident of the Regent of the United Kingdom in Scotland).

The touristy bit done, I made my way back into the new town, for my rendez-vous at an old haunt of mine, The Guildford Arms. As you may have guessed, it's a pub (where the mountaineering club, which I was a proud member of, used to meet up each week). Quite appropriate choice, since most of the folks I was meeting up with were members of that esteemed club. Jenni and Andy made it, as well as our former president, Iain. I was also happy that Julia, my niece, could make it (she is working there), as well as my former crazy Scottish colleague from my Nokia years, Colin. It goes without saying that it was an excellent night out, almost emotional... ;)

I got up relatively early the next morning, surprisingly without a pounding headache. After another most efficient day at the office, it was time to hit town again, this time for an "official team meal". Before the meal, I naturally had a couple of pints with my colleagues Stewart and Andrew, a kind of Scottish aperitif if you will. (I did actually manage to squeeze in a bit of sightseeing as well - the sun was out so the conditions were just perfect for a few piccies). A couple of pubs, quite a few beers and an excellent steak later, I got the taxi back to the hotel...
After another day at the office (interrupted by a pub lunch - a tradition I was happy to observe is still well and live...), it was time to head back to Nice. Nice to have been back - the couple of days spent there confirmed my impression of Edinburgh being my favourite city in the UK overall!