Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Teacher partyin' at Claire and Antoine's!

Summer is here - or nearly here anyways (summer officially starts on the 21st of June in France). Which means that the school holidays are approaching - which means loads of teacher's parties! Fine by me, although getting up in the mornings can be a bit of a pain... This evening, the occasion for the get-together at Claire and Antoine's place at Carros was that one of Mathilde's colleagues, Julien, passed his "aggregation exam".

Getting "aggregated" is basically REALLY hard work (some teachers take a year off to study for the exam but still fail...), so seems to be a pretty good excuse for a party to me !? The usual suspects were all there -  meaning Julie & Aurelien as well as us, and naturally Julien and his better half. As always, we ate and drank well, and generally had a brilliant time! Congratulations to Julien for his hard work!

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