thing altogether different from what a Finn like me is used to... It's during those winter months that you really reflect on how good life can be on the Cote d'Azur. One of the nicest ways to spend a nice, sunny winter day on the Cote d'Azur is one of the plenty coastal hikes that dot the coastline (it's surprising, how good the hiking is, considering how much of the coastline is built up).
Those coastal hikes really let you appreciate that bright, clear wintery sky, lit up by the Mediterranean sun (the sky gets a bit hazy in the summer, typically...). And of course there is the beautiful Mediterranean itself, in it's azure splendour! We've not been doing that many hikes this year (we must be getting old or something?) but this Saturday, we decided to give it a go!
We picked on of our favourite coastal walks, that we've not done for a while; the one around Cap Ferrat. All the three Caps on the Riviera (Cap-Ferrat, Cap d'Antibes and Cap-Martin) are great to walk around, but Cap-Ferrat is our favourite, I reckon. The walk up to the cap itself, along the Baie de Villefranche, is fantastic in its own right, with splendid views whichever way you look. And Cap-Ferrat itself is perhaps the least built-up of the Caps (but you do get a glimpse of the magnificent villas behind the high fences here and there...).
We walked all the way from Villefranche-sur-Mer train station, around Cap-Ferrat, all the way to Beaulieu-sur-Mer train station. Quite a fabulous way to spend a Saturday afternoon, I must say!
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