Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dinner at Claire & Antoine's

It's been a while since we've had a soiree with Mathilde's colleagues from the CIV, so we were quite delighted to receive a dinner invitation to join Antoine and Claire over in Carros this particular Saturday evening.

We prepared a Banoffeee pie (a very "light" English desert made from bananas,  cream and toffee from boiled condensed milk, on a bed of crumbled biscuits),  for the occasion (well, Mathilde did - while I was pretending to be all manly and changed the battery in my parents' Scenic!). As usual, we had a fabulous time eating, as always, superb food prepared by our hosts as well as the other guests (the usual suspects, that is to say Sarah, Aurelien and Julie).

Plenty of wine was naturally drank too, as we enjoyed the view from Antoine and Claire's rather panoramic terrace... All in all, pretty much the perfect way to spend a warm Saturday evening, then!

Merci Claire & Antoine ;-)

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