Saturday, January 17, 2015

Housewaming party in Antibes!

Our good friend Julien and Charlotte, who work with Mathilde, were kind enough to invite us to their housewarming party over in Antibes. They've had quite a lot of work done at the place, they basically had to renovate the whole place complete, so we were rather looking forward to seeing the end result.

And impressive it is! Their house wouldn't look out of place in a design magazine, it's all very modern and tasteful, with the modern furniture just perfect for the place. Julien and Charlotte are rather keen on good food - so as expected they treated us to a real feast for the taste buds. Especially the appetizers wouldn't look out of place in a gastronomic restaurant. Chapeau, as the French would say!

And naturally plenty of wine was consumed, and both more and less intellectual conversations were had (the attack on Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish supermarket were naturally discussed...).

Merci beaucoup, Charlotte et Julien, pour une soirée très sympa!

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