Saturday, July 4, 2015

Finnish boyz night out

As Mathilde was away in the west of France this weekend, I suggested a boyz night out to my fellow Finns on the Riviera, Aki & Mikko. Happily, they agreed it was a great idea (in spite of rather bad hangovers for me and Aki from the last boyz night out...).

We started off at Aki's place, where we spent a couple of hours resolving the world's problems over a couple of beers. From there, we headed over to Niss'Art, a burger joint Aki had booked for the occasions. Nice place, we had tasty burgers with a couple of beers, and continued our profound discussions.

Then, Aki had the brilliant idea that we should go and play pool! Now I used to play pool quite a lot when I lived in the UK, but it's certainly been a while since the last time, so I was quite keen. It was all great fun, we actually ended up playing there until closing time, if memory serves me. Aki came out on top, I think.

We finished off the memorable soiree by playing instruments back at Aki's place (well, Mikko and Aki played, I listened!).

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