Monday, September 28, 2015

The Red Moon

September 28th was quite a special day (or night, rather) for amateur astronomers, as a total lunar eclipse occurred. This basically means that the sun, earth and moon are all aligned (with the earth blocking the moon). The moon is still visible during a lunar eclipse (even if it's blocked by the earth), since the Earth's atmosphere refracts light to the moon's surface (the moon appears red since the atmosphere filters the low wavelength light, leaving only the high wavelength light, ie. red).

I'm not an amateur astronomer, but I fancy myself an amateur photographer, so I was keen to try to catch the event with my newly purchased Canon EOS70D. So yes, I got up in the middle of the night, and headed outdoors to try to catch the moon. Alas, it was not to be seen from our residence (hidden by the clouds, high-rise buildings?). I still decided to drive down the seaside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the moon. And, indeed, there it was, red in all its splendour! I was even able to get a couple of half-decent photos. Well, you be the judge...

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