I got a surprising message from Jamie, a mate of mine who used to work in the same team as me back in Southwood, who decided to emigrate to Vancouver, Canada a couple of years ago. Turns out he was in Nice to visit his dad, who lives there (has a restaurant on the beach in front of the Negresco, no less…). So naturally some beers were called for.

Undeterred by the Since SNCF (the national train company) strike (this is France, after all…), we decided to drive in. Having parked our car conveniently under Cours Saleya, we met Jamie and his lovely girlfriend, Jessie, and promptly headed for dinner. We headed for the same Italian restaurant we had my birthday meal at earlier this year. Like last time, the oversized bowl us chocolate just jumped out of the menu – the challenge was just impossible to pass up on… This time, I rose to the challenge and finished it (last time the 1 ½ massive bowls of pasta that preceded the desert somewhat hampered me…)! Have to admit, though, it was a case of quantity over quality…
After the most filling (at least for me!) meal, we headed over to Ma Nolan’s (where else?) for some more catching up on old times and a couple of pints of Guinness… Very good to meet ol’ Jamie, seems like he’s having a very good time indeed over in Canada (well, Vancouver vs. Southwood – not really a tough choice, is it?)….
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