Only two weeks to go until our trip to Mongolia… So today was shopping day at Decathlon – time to buy all the stuff that might come in useful in the Mongolian wilderness (tent, sleeping bags, torches, hiking socks, you name it….). For the evening, we had invited Mikko and Marianne over for dinner. Since the weather was still great, BBQ was pretty much the obvious choice.

A few chicken and lamb brochettes (and not your super-market fare, these ones came from the butcher at the local market) and three bottles of wine later, we decided to do what any bunch of normal 30-somethings would do on a Saturday night: play “Buzz! : the Hollywood Quiz” on the old PS 2. After a good finish, Marianne won by a whisker (I’d like to blame all the wine I drank, but I graciously admit she deserved her victory – although I have to admit it hurts a bit since I consider myself a bit of a cinephile). After this we (that would pretty much be me and Mikko, actually) proceeded to drink half a bottle of Calva (distilled by Mathilde’s grandma – pretty strong stuff, I tell ya…).

In spite of the sore head the next morning, we figured we really do need more practice for Mongolia, so we decided to do a walk. I was a bit apprehensive of the whole thing, since hung-over Finns and scorching hot weather don’t really go well together. But anyway, as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. So off we set to conquer the Puy de Naouri from Tourrette-sur-Loup (a typically pretty Provencal village). About two hours later, and 600 meters higher, we made it. Well, the views were certainly worth it, as was the ice cream we had later back in Tourette… (we both tried the local speciality, which is violets – pretty yummie).

Mikko and Marianne had most kindly invited us over to their lovely house for a dinner for the evening, and we quite happily accepted the offer. So yet another BBQ ensued, with yet more tasty meat… And some good wine, of course. No complaints about the venue either – the views over Nice are splendid indeed as is the place itself (conveniently located next to Marianne’s parents – and their swimming pool and Jacuzzi ;-). Having finished dinner, we hurried inside to watch the Euro 2008 final between Spain and Germany. Entertaining stuff – and a well deserved victory for the Spanish after some clinical finishing for Torres. And we even had time to pop into the Jacuzzi during half time. Now that’s life on the Cote d’Azur…
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