Sunday, June 19, 2016

JayJay visiting

Our good friend JayJay was visiting this week, all the way from Mexico, on one of his globe-trotting adventures (this time his itinerary was something like Mexico-Amsterdam-Cote d'Azur-Italy-Mexico). Which of course, this being JayJay meant "Como todo, bebo todo, ago todo" (wise words printed on a tee-shirt I was given for my birthday after a crazy and cool trip we did to Mexico a few years ago...).

We started off by joining the merry crowd at the beach at Cagnes. After having some tasty ice creams (or rather, a milkshake in my case) we headed over to our place together with JayJay, Marie, and Chris. We had a great night, catching up on the latest (it's been a looong time since we've last seen JayJay) and of course drinking way too much alcohol, too (naturally, Mathilde's grand-dad's home-distilled Calvados always comes out on occasions like this!).

Some time ago, I (Mathilde wisely desisted) and some friends & colleagues had the brilliant idea of having a go at (and failing miserably) eating a monster burger (weighing in at a ridiculous 2 kg or so...). So, some people are just too daft to learn from their mistakes. That would include me and Chris, who agreed to join with JayJay upon the mad quest to re-attempt defeating the monster burger.

So we met, ominously under the rain, at Sophia Antipolis and ventured out into the far-away Var Department to affront the dreaded burger. This time around, I chose a different strategy - namely going at the burger hard and fast (rather than in a slow and steady manner). I also decided to concentrate mainly on the meat. The end result was another humiliating defeat - but this time around, I did finish the meat. JayJay and Chris chickened out (or were smarter than me?) and decided to share a monster burger. Anyway, if one useful lesson came out of this stupidity, it was: "I'll never do it again". Honestly.

Anyway, Sunday was JayJay's last day in France, so we figured we'd have what else than another meal ? We ended up choosing Chez Simon, a nice enough restaurant located in the Nice foothills. The cool thing about the place is that you can normally play petanque while waiting for the food. Unfortunately, this time around, the weather was rainy, so we decided to give the petanque a miss.

Anyway, the meal itself was great. The crowd was the same one as last time around, except that Aurore was also able to join this time. The food was great (I especially liked the Paris-Brest I had for dessert - it's quite hard to come by these days), the company even greater.

We'll miss you, JayJay, come back soon!

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