Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Socializing on the French Riviera

End of June is a really nice time of the year on the Cote d'Azur. Temperatures are quite pleasent - meaning not too hot. The school year is nearing its end, which tends to mean a lot of meals/aperitifs with Mathilde's colleagues ;-)

Things kicked off with a meal on the beach with our good friends from Finland, the Vuolle family. Hannu and his family (which now includes no less than 4 kids!) left the Cote d'Azur a few years ago, but still come back regularly (seems like they miss the place!). Pizza on the beach is always a good option this year around, with some rose wine to go with it. And then some ice creams for dessert. Yummie! Good to catch up with Hannu and Rita as well !

On Sunday, we were invited at Claire and Antoine's place at the Carros. Naturally, all the usual CIV suspects were present (Julien, Charlotte, Julie & Aurelien). Grave matters at CIV were discussed at great length, whereas I mostly enjoyed the food and drink - excellent as always! Great to see Claire and Antoine as well, we see them rather rarely these days...

On Tuesday, we had invited Raphaelle and Olivier over for dinner - they were spending a bit of time in nearby Greolieres before setting off on their great adventure (they are moving to Hong Kong). We had a great night enjoy Mathilde's delicious food. While the adults then carried on discussing to a rather late hour, the kids happily watched Wall-E.

Our intensive socializing continued the next night, when we met up with Marie in Nice for a nice Lebanese meal in a cool restaurant called Beyrouth Nights. A real gem of a place - confirmed the fact that I'm a big fan of Lebanese cuisine. I could almost become vegetarian, eating Lebanese Mezze! (note the key word "almost").

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