For today, the plan was to go all cultural, and attend a theatre play in Grasse (the first one in French for me).

We decided it was a good occasion to explore the area around Grasse for a bit, since we’re not very familiar with it. So we crossed Grasse and continued to the nearby village of Cabris, where we made a stop. Cabris is yet another pretty Provencal village, quite dramatically perched on the edge of a cliff. The panorama which opens towards the sea is quite remarkable, affording views from Nice all the way to Massif d’Esterel (including Lac St-Cassien). But what’s most remarkable is that we finally saw Corsica! I say finally, since we’ve seen it indicated on several “tables d’orientations”, but never actually laid eyes on it so far (we had been starting to suspect Corsica was an imaginary place...).

The village itself wasn’t particularly remarkable, apart perhaps for the fact that Antoine de Saint Exupery’s mum used to live here. St Ex (as friends and fans sometimes call him) is a famous French aviator and writer - he wrote the “Little Prince”, which is actually the first book I read in French :-). The main square in town is named after him.
After our quick village visit, it was time to take the scenic mountainside road back to Grasse for our dose of culture. We saw “Des Gens” by Zabou Breitman. The play was based on two documentaries about patients and doctors in a psychiatric hospital. It was a very interesting idea, and I could even follow the dialogue pretty well, but for some reason the play just didn’t work for me.
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