It’s that time of the year again – Halloween time! Time to dress up and trick &treat… Or perhaps I’m getting a wee bit too old for that?

Anyway, the plan was to meet up with the Finnish gang in Nice for some drinks & dining. A Halloween costume was mandatory, apparently ;-) After a quick tour around the shopping outlets of Cagnes-sur-Mer I came to realize I would struggle to find anything appropriate (the French just haven’t learnt to commercialize these occasions like the English , for example – although they are catching up slowly…). The closest thing to a costume was my silly Jimmy hat (you know, the Scottish tartan patterned hat with some ginger hair glued to it – looks ridiculous enough to require a certain level of intoxication to wear without shame).

After a quick coffee ‘n cake sessions at my parents’ place, I just had enough time to get back to catch a lift with Pete and Anne (and Jasmin, of course). They were clearly much better prepared than me (Jasmin dressed up as “petite diable”, Anne as a veritable black-haired femme fatale, and Pete with his red monster mask). Thankfully they were able to lend me a black cape to go with my not-very-fear-inspiring headgear…
We started off with an aperitif at a nice little bar on Cours Saleya, which had the appropriate décor (skulls, pumpkins and the like) for a nice Halloween party. Mikko and Marianne soon joined the merry-making (Mikko looking nearly as silly as me with his skull-decorated Viking helmet). After making fools of ourselves over some (for once) reasonably-priced cocktails, we carried on to our booked dinner venue, Delhi Belhi. Time for my first Curry in France, yihaa!

It wasn’t bad at all, actually, a bit different from what you get in the UK. I was a bit disappointed (but also relieved) not to find any Vindaloo or Phal on the menu. The merry-making and childish behavior continued over the tasty meal, accompanied by some Indian wine & beer (even the Kingfisher tasted different, I reckon…).
Our bellies filled, we carried on to Wayne’s, where they were well in the Halloween spirit (including the well costumed waiters). A couple of digestif’s later, it was time to hit the road! After all, there was a young lady to put to sleep, and I had to get up early the next morning!
But what a memorable Halloween it had been!
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